
Customer Success Story


Introstat continues its long relationship with Maximizer to modernize its CRM 

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Introstat was founded in 1989 and has grown to become a leading managed IT solutions provider in South Africa. As a long-time Maximizer customer, Introstat has used Maximizer’s CRM software to manage over 40,000 customers and a sales force that thrives in a highly competitive market. From consumables to turnkey managed services to service and repair, Introstat serves the South African market from its offices and distribution centres in Johannesburg (head office), Cape Town and Durban. Introstat has 150 employees and over 80 Maximizer users. 

Nicola Warburton, Special Projects Consultant at Introstat, has a unique perspective on Introstat. Over the past 19 years at the company, she has worked in sales administration and marketing and, most recently, was responsible for the company’s transition to the latest cloud version of Maximizer CRM. 

Camsoft Solutions, based in Cape Town, South Africa is a Maximizer Partner and played a key role in Introstat’s upgrade to Maximizer’s Cloud version. 

IT Services

Company Size
201-500 employees

Johannesburg, South Africa

Introstat was using an old version of Maximizer, and over the years we needed more and more out of a CRM system. We looked at the likes of Salesforce and Microsoft. Ultimately, we made the decision to stay with Maximizer, but move to the newest version. And it’s been interesting for me because I’ve had hands-on experience with both. I feel fortunate that we stayed with Maximizer.

Nicola Warburton
South Africa


Over the years, three distinct challenges emerged for Introstat’s CRM needs. 

First, as the company expanded to three cities, their Maximizer installations also multiplied. However, they were not connected. Each office had its own Maximizer database. This resulted in “dirty” data accumulating over the years due to the inconsistent use of stock and custom fields.  Other challenges were that offices were not able to easily collaborate on national accounts and there was no company-wide view of sales performance available on-demand. 

The second challenge involves generating quotes. Introstat’s supplies business is focussed on fast moving goods and their sales teams needed to be able to quote quickly and accurately. With eleven key suppliers, salespeople had to call or manually search documents for stock levels and current pricing before assembling a quote. Introstat needed a better approach. 

Finally, the business simply outgrew the older client-server versions of Maximizer. As Maximizer modernized its software, Introstat started looking at ways to do the same. 


At Introstat, the most important requirement was to create a unified CRM database available to every user, regardless of location. After considering many of the larger CRM providers, and a couple local bespoke options, the balance tipped in Maximizer’s favour for two reasons. First, Introstat enjoys a great relationship with Camsoft Solutions, Maximizer’s Partner in South Africa. As an expert resource, Camsoft was able to assist Introstat with the enhancements it needed. Secondly, Maximizer itself is built to be highly customizable. For Introstat, being able to define and capture the data they need to run their business their way non-negotiable. 

Camsoft helped Introstat with two essential tasks: configuring Maximizer’s database structure to reflect Introstat’s requirements and overhauling how their salespeople generated quotes. For the former, Introstat appreciated being able to add and drop fields to structure the data to meets its needs and not have to conform to a stock design that was not what it wanted. For the latter, Camsoft developed a quoting module that automatically takes daily stock and pricing information from eleven suppliers and makes them searchable in a pop-up window within Maximizer. Salespeople can see product availability and cost, apply markups, and automatically add items to a quote. 

To put Maximizer’s Cloud version into service, Introstat decided to start with a clean slate. Over 40,000 active customers were imported after their data was scrubbed by their salespeople. New customers are added manually. 


Efficient Collaboration

Maximizer streamlines collaboration and information sharing for Introstat’s sales team, enhancing overall efficiency.

Quick Quoting

By integrating Camsoft’s quotation module with Maximizer, Introstat achieves quicker and more accurate quoting, leading to shorter response times and increased sales.

Insightful Reporting

Maximizer’s reporting module provides comprehensive sales and financial data.

Performance Tracking

The Activity Tracker simplifies monitoring sales activities, helping Introstat meet performance targets.

Time Optimization

With faster quoting and streamlined activity tracking, Maximizer allows Introstat’s sales team to focus more on discovering new business opportunities.

Cloud Accessibility

As a Cloud-based CRM, Maximizer facilitates remote work and boosts efficiency for sales reps.

Business Partner


Camsoft pioneers innovative CRM solutions, transforming business processes with cutting-edge technology. Specializing in modules like the one integrated into Maximizer, Camsoft accelerates quoting, streamlining operations for swift sales and enhanced productivity. With a focus on efficiency and customization, Camsoft is the go-to partner for organizations navigating the dynamic digital landscape, delivering tailor-made solutions to drive growth. Elevate your business with Camsoft’s commitment to simplifying workflows and maximizing performance metrics.

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