Content & Files
Transform the way you manage your documents with the Microsoft SharePoint integration for Maximizer. This integration allows for document storage and organization by automatically sorting them by customer name, making it easier to locate and share documents with other users who may not be using Maximizer. In addition, you can benefit from SharePoint’s powerful functionalities such as searching, workflow, and document versioning. This seamless integration allows you to store Adress Book entry or opportunity-related documents in SharePoint and access them from Maximizer. You can edit documents directly in the Office web-based user interface and eliminate duplicated documents by linking the same SharePoint document to multiple records in Maximizer. Streamline your document management flow and increase productivity today with our powerful integration between Maximizer and SharePoint.
To install the Microsoft Sharepoint integration, please log in to your Maximizer account and visit our App Directory.
- Centralize your document storage onto one platform – SharePoint, making it easier to access and share documents with other users who are not using Maximizer.
- Upload new documents for Address Book Entries and Opportunities in Maximizer into SharePoint or add existing SharePoint documents from Maximizer.
- Automatically organize and uploaded documents by company or contact name.
- Edit Office documents directly in the web-based interface without the trouble of re-uploading documents.
- Keep track of document changes and stay up-to-date with note logging for any SharePoint document uploads or deletes to Address Book Entries and Opportunities.