
Constant Contact 


Streamline your sales efforts and supercharge your customer engagement with the seamless integration between Maximizer and Constant Contact through Zapier. Constant Contact is an all-in-one marketing platform that empowers salespeople by offering email marketing, automation, and engagement tools to efficiently nurture leads, drive conversions, and enhance customer relationships. Newly acquired contacts through Constant Contact will seamlessly flow into your Maximizer, ensuring that all your customer data stays centralized for easy management. Gain a competitive edge by creating notes on Maximizer contacts each time an email is opened in Constant Contact, they will also be reflected in a contact timeline. With the ability to create personalized workflows that align closely with your business needs, this integration unlocks unprecedented efficiency and effectiveness for sales professionals, empowering them with up-to-the-minute information that drives conversions.


  • Add new Maximizer leads or contacts to Constant Contact, ensuring your communication lists are always up-to-date.
  • Add new Constant Contact contacts to Maximizer as Address Book entries, maintaining Maximizer as a single source of information.
  • Create notes on contacts in Maximizer whenever emails are opened in Constant Contact, reflecting important interactions in a contact timeline to provide salespeople with valuable contextual information.
  • Create leads with notes in Maximizer from new Constant Contact contacts, ensuring that your sales team has relevant information at their fingertips.